Channel: Big Joel
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: gods not deadanti abortionabortionbig joelpropagandapro lifepro choicevideo essaypureflixunplanned
Description: Content Warning for the video: Brief, very strange body horror in the first five minutes. Today we're gonna talk about the Pureflix Propaganda film Unplanned! woo Support me on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter: Edited by Ben from Canada! Follow me on Twitch: Article on abortion in Texas: Footnote 1: I just wanted to add a footnote here to clarify: I’m not trying to imply here that all chemical abortions go off without a hitch. A friend talked to me about it and had a bad experience, so if you had one of those, I’m not here to tell you that it’s an easy or fun thing in all cases. The amount of pain and bleeding it causes seems to vary a lot. I’m just saying, Planned Parenthood doesn’t lie about the side effects of their medication or treat the suffering of its clients as unimportant. At least, I’ve found no evidence to suggest that is the case. Footnote 2: So, I’m well aware that both these guys probably know full well that the argument they’re making *won’t* convince pro lifers. Cody no doubt doesn’t actually think he’s going to get Ben Shapiro, and an extremely important point in Ian’s videos is that this argument would NEVER convince pro lifers, because conservatives are broadly more concerned with punishing evil than actually doing something about the problem. But here, I want to make a distinction. A distinction between an argument that is likely to persuade people and an intellectually persuasive argument. We all intuitively understand that this is a meaningful distinction, right. We know that there’s no way to convince a flat earther that the earth is round, but we also know that the arguments we can provide for the roundness of the earth are very good. That if the flat earther was thinking rationally and cared about the evidence, he would accept that he was wrong. The problem I have with these arguments is not that they wouldn’t actually persuade real pro lifers. I know that I probably haven’t done that myself. Rather, my problem is that they aren’t intellectually persuasive. They accept the terms of pro lifers insofar as that they assume, for the sake of argument, that abortion is something people might rationally want to reduce. But they ignore the actual problem pro lifers have with them, that they think, on some level at least, that fetuses are people and that ending their lives is murder. If you really accept that, then your argument to ban abortion is as simple as the words “I believe murder should be socially prohibited, outlawed in some way.” And that’s just not a particularly hard claim to defend. Most people would agree with it. In other words, pro lifers don’t think abortions are like driving your car too fast or shoplifting, they think it’s a very important problem. And so, saying “well if we did this social thing, we’d at least reduce them somewhat.” it’s just not a good enough case. It’s not just that it wouldn’t persuade pro lifers, it’s that it shouldn’t persuade them because it’s not persuasive. It’s for this reason, by the way, that I make the case here that our argument for abortion needs to be as simple as “abortions are fine. They’re not a Big Moral Problem that needs solving. The core assumption of the pro life argument is wrong.”